Marketing Standards
Code of Conduct
- Mozzart Affiliates operates through a „one strike rule”, whereby any affiliate will be terminated from the Mozzart Affiliates program in case of failing to comply with the following:
a. all laws, regulations, and industry codes applicable to advertising and marketing of online gambling;
b. the terms and conditions of the Mozzart Affiliates program including any addenda thereto; and
c. the Responsible marketing policy and guidelines provided by Mozzart; - Affiliates must only use creatives supplied by and/or approved by Mozzart.
- Affiliates must provide Mozzart with details of all locations, media, and methods by which their marketing is conducted on behalf of Mozzart, including but not limited to details of all URLs, landing pages, content (including articles mentioning Mozzart, quoting Mozzart, or providing an opinion on behalf of the company), brand displays, player destinations, and social media).
- Affiliates must not place any marketing material featuring the Mozzart Affiliates brand on websites providing unauthorized access to copyrighted content.
- All promotional offers must be compliant with to appropriate Mozzart Terms & Conditions and must include all essential information of the promotional offer or key terms provided in or alongside the promotional offer.
- Any marketing conducted on behalf of Mozzart Affiliates must make clear that the publisher works independently of Mozzart or its related brands.
- Affiliates must not use ‘advertorial style’ marketing to promote Mozzart’s brands unless approved by Mozzart.
- Any betting tips/tipster content must not imply that success is guaranteed.
- Affiliates must not use any material that appeals to children and/or features people who are or appear to be under the age of 18.
- Social media marketing (Twitter, Facebook, or others) must include the sign “18+” on the bio page.
- Affiliates must only conduct direct marketing on behalf of Mozzart with prior written consent or instruction by Mozzart.
Marketing Age-Gating Guidelines
Appeal to Children
- Games are categorized and restricted in line with the Games Categorization Policy.
- Marketing material must not feature any underage persons in any circumstances.
- Marketing material must not feature sportspeople and celebrities who are or appear to be under the age of 21.
- The content of marketing material: a. must not use themes or content associated with particular appeal to children; (such as nursery rhymes, children’s characters, or stories, etc.); b. should avoid the use of colorful and exaggerated animated characters; c. should avoid styles or approaches likely to have particular salience for underage-18s persons.
Targeted Marketing Guidelines
- Mozzart Affiliates’ policy is to ensure that no media choice, presentation style, content, or context ever directs advertisements toward individuals under 18. Mozzart Affiliates will implement the subsequent measures to guarantee the safety and well-being of youth: Mozzart Affiliates will make sure that advertisements are only included in media that is intended mainly for adult consumption.
- Mozzart Affiliates will refrain from advertising in media where the audience is primarily composed of children and young adults (more than 25%).
- Direct marketing lists may only be used if the audience is verified as being over 18, and only with prior written consent instruction by Mozzart.
- Age marker – 18+ is a requirement.
Responsible Marketing Policy
Social Responsibility
- Marketing communications should not use themes, images, symbols, or portrayals likely to cause widespread harm or offense, as well as derogatory or demeaning. If marketing communication is to be used in more than one country, the cultural and religious sensitivities of all the countries involved should be respected.
- Marketing communications should respect human dignity and should not incite or condone any form of discrimination, including but not limited to those based on race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
- Marketing communications should not appear to condone or incite violent, unlawful, or antisocial behavior. Mozzart Affiliates will not advertise with, or be associated with any advertising linked to any illegal websites, including illegal movie/download websites.
- Marketing communications should not contain claims or representations that suggest individuals can attain social or professional success or status as a result of betting/gaming.
- Marketing communications should not be associated with violent, aggressive, hazardous, illegal, or antisocial behavior. They should not be associated with illegal activity of any kind.
- Marketing communications should not depict betting/gaming in a manner associated with attaining adulthood or the ‘rite of passage’ to adulthood.
- Marketing communications should not promote playing as an alternative to employment, as a financial investment, or as a requirement for financial security, nor should they imply that betting/gaming is required to fulfill family or social obligations or solve personal problems.
- Marketing communications should not be designed to make false promises or present winning as the probable outcome. In addition, they must not imply that the chances of winning increase the longer one plays, the more one spends, or suggest that skill can influence the outcome (for games where skill is not a factor).
- Marketing communications should not suggest that betting/gaming can enhance personal qualities (i.e., that it can improve self-image or self-esteem or that it is a way to gain control, superiority, recognition, or admiration), nor should such communications link betting/gaming to seduction, sexual success, or enhanced attractiveness.
- Marketing communications should not suggest peer pressure to engage in betting/gaming, nor should they disparage abstention from betting/gaming, nor should they portray betting/gaming in a context of toughness or link betting/gaming to resilience or irresponsible play.
Responsible Gambling
- Marketing should not portray excessive or socially irresponsible participation by individuals of legal age which could lead to financial, social, or emotional harm. ‘Excessive or socially irresponsible’ and “which could lead to financial, social, or emotional harm” refer to the amount bet/gambled and to how it is done.
- Mozzart will take all necessary actions to ensure that suspended/frozen, closed, excluded, and self-excluded account holders will not receive marketing communications.
- Marketing communications of betting/gaming should not be addressed to, and shall not entice or attract, high-risk groups or individuals, nor shall they exploit the susceptibilities, aspirations, credulity, inexperience, or lack of knowledge of potentially high-risk persons, or otherwise praise highly the virtues of gambling.
- Marketing communications should not suggest that betting/gaming can provide an escape from personal or professional problems, or portray betting/gaming as indispensable or as taking priority in life (for example, over family, friends, or professional or educational commitments).
- Marketing communications should not offer a product or promotion that is not reasonably attainable without incurring substantial losses.